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Sunday, October 30, 2011


The basics of healthy living and weight loss are pretty simple: eat healthy, drink plenty of water, get adequate rest, and exercise 3-5 times a week. These are foundations for a strong, healthy life. But have you ever stopped to think about the things that you do subconsciously that could be ruining your success?

Habit 1: Buying low fat
Eating fat does not necessarily make you fat. Yes, you should consider it when buying certain products, but you should also consider that "low-fat" or "fat-free" foods actually have just as many, if not more, calories than their full-fat counterparts. If something isn't good for you, chances are the low-fat version is going to be just as bad, if not worse, because of the added chemicals and low-performing carbs that quickly turn in to sugar. Just stick to the basics and think about the consequences of the seemingly "guilt-free" mantra of the fat-free and low-fat products.

Habit 2: Using exercise as an excuse to indulge

Going on a walk for 20 minutes does not justify a free-for-all at the buffet. Keep your goals in check and your splurges or "cheats" to a minimum. Instead, have a cheat-free Mocha Cream shake with a splash of skim or almond milk or the WonderSlim Double Chocolate Cake with a bit of sugar free chocolate syrup.

Habit 3: Skipping meals
You get busy and you forget to eat. Little do you know that what you area actually doing is sending your body into prime fat-storage mode and increasing your chances of overeating at your next meal. Also, skipping breakfast can set your whole day up for failure. Make sure to stock up on oatmeal and cereal or quick and easy on-the-go protein shakes.

Habit 4: Eating "free" foods served at restaurants
It's safe to say we all know that we should pass on the bread or chip basket. This habit is a tough one to break, but there are some simple tips that should help you pass on the basket. 1-Ignorance is never bliss. One basket of chips or 3 bread sticks can add as many as 450 calories to your meal. Think about that the next time you reach for a fried tortilla chip. 2-Ask the server ahead of time to skip the basket all together. This might cause unrest at your table but it is in the best interest of everyone. 3-If push comes to shove, order a small plate, separate out a small amount and don't go back for more.

Habit 5: Drinking diet soda

The harmful effects of diet soda have been a hot topic in health news lately. Did you know that the artificial sweeteners in the "diet" soda could be triggering appetite cues, causing you to unconsciously eat more at meals? Try to break this bad habit and limit yourself to one diet soda a week if necessary, eventually cutting them out all together.

Habit 6: Picking the wrong workout partner

If you can't find someone as motivated as you are, then it's better to just leave them at home. You need someone who enjoys exercise and can finish what they start. You are more likely to stay committed if the person is likeable, fun to be around, and moderately knowledgeable on proper exercise techniques.

Habit 7: Putting serving dishes on the table

The Obesity Journal found that setting out food "family-style" will cause you to consume 35% more over the course of the meal. When going for seconds requires leaving the table, most will hesitate to go back for more.

Habit 8: Eating too fast

A study in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association reported that slow eaters took in 66 fewer calories per meal. If this was accomplished at ever meal, you could melt off 20 pounds a year. Setting down your silverware after every couple bites should be on the top of your list of new healthy habits.

Habit 9: Taking big bites

According to American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, people who take large bites consume 52% more food. As a rule of thumb: smaller bites equal a smaller waistline.

Habit 10: Failing to plan

Remember this mantra: Failing to plan is planning to fail. You should always have healthy snacks on hand and some type of meal plan for the week. Being ready for sudden cravings can ultimately be the best secret weapon against weight gain and getting over stubborn plateaus.


During one of our weekly weight-loss classes, the group leader was extolling the merits of the program's prepared-food products.

She raved about the rich, delicious flavor of the imitation chocolate fudge and the nondairy pops, assuring us that we could eat them without the least fear of ruining our diets.

The woman next to me nodded her head emphatically and then whispered, "They're even better when you spread peanut butter on them!"


Beating Restaurants at Their Own Game!

Over a Dozen Dining Out Tips

-- By Becky Hand, Licensed & Registered Dietitian

Does your favorite restaurant serve piles of tempting foods on platters rather than plates? Are the biggie-sized meals at fast food restaurants trapping you into overeating? How do you deal with a bountiful breadbasket? Eating out is fun and relaxing, but you can make it healthier. Use these tried and true suggestions the next time you lock up the kitchen and step out for a meal:
  • Never go out while hungry. You’ll find yourself nibbling on everything that comes your way.
  • Foods that are grilled, baked, steamed or broiled provide healthy, flavorful alternatives. Ask how an entrée is prepared to ensure that your selection is not swimming in butter or other fattening sauce.
  • For pasta selections, choose a marinara sauce instead of a white cream sauce.
  • Order a healthy appetizer, salad, or small-sized entrée for your meal.
  • Select white chicken or turkey meat rather than dark meat, and have the skin removed.
  • Avoid the "all you can eat" and buffet-style restaurants.
  • Split a meal with a friend.
  • Get a doggie bag before the meal and put in a portion of the food when it is first served.
  • Avoid foods that have been prepared in heavy cream.
  • Eat slowly! Put your fork down between bites. It takes the stomach about 20 minutes to realize that it is full.
  • Order your salad or potato with the dressing, butter, sour cream, gravy and other extras on the side.
  • Trim all visible fat from meat.
  • Select fresh fruit, sorbet or frozen yogurt for dessert.
  • Watch the alcohol… it is loaded with calories and can lower your defenses against food, causing you to eat more.
  • Beware of the breadbasket. It comes early and can be refilled several times. Ask that it be brought with the meal and limit yourself to one serving.
  • Water is your best beverage choice. Order diet pop, tea, and coffee with artificial sweetener. Go light on the sugar and cream.
  • Don’t be afraid to special order menu items.
The key is to plan what to order in advance and stick to it. Decide on your priorities before going to the restaurant and avoid looking at the entire menu. Find what you had decided on and close the issue. Then, simply do the best you can with some smart choices. If you came for the burritos, then avoid the beans and rice. If you are there for the cheesecake, order a light meal or salad, with dressing on the side. With a few simple strategies, dining out does not have to totally destroy your dieting efforts.

Friday, October 28, 2011


just to prove i can see the group in my other ID i took a screen capture of the header for the group.
 yup, happened last night.

i was posting recipes, stopped to work through some emails, went back to post a recipe for a chili that was pretty good sounding as well as nutritonally sound for any bariatric paitient.
and, couldnt  access the group.

which was weird, because i was just in it.
at first i thought it was a FB error, maybe they were updating servers or something.
so i didint let it bother me to much.
went to sleep on it.

woke up today, tried again, and still couldnt get in.

so it came to me to try under another ID i have in FaceBook...
and what do ya know...i could see the group.
THAT told me tons right there.
i could also, scroll through the members list to see if i was in which i saw i wasnt.

by this time...i had already emailed one of the main admins 2 times waiting for a reply. without response, so i went to the other admin...asked her. she said shed ask for me.

the main admin got back with me on the issue.

told me i was kicked from the group for the way i spoke to other members.

im sorry, i didnt realize i had spoke to any of them in such a way to offend them.
unless, they dont like honesty and its brutal format.

to which, as adults, id think most of us have to deal with...
i guess to many people have been coddled and babied and had stuff sugar coated to them.

my main gripe in the group was that people would come in and say stuff to allow themselves to keep doing certain traits or behaviors, and make excuses for certain things. and another main grip of mine was that people assumed to tell others how to do this whole weight loss surgery.

dont know if many people can tell or not, but allot of drs have different views, they have different techniques, and expect different results.

were not all the same, and if the same dr does my surgery a year ago, then yours today, whos to say data hasnt changed just that fast? it happens.
20 years agos data has changed.

anyway, some people just didnt like what i had to say, and went to the admin and talked to her about it to which she took it upon herself to kick me out.
which is fine. i have no issues with that. if thats how she wants to run her group. its hers.

the issue i have with her is the way she delt with it.

when she got back with me she explained that several people didnt like the way i spoke to them..ok, i can change that,,,
and she felt she didnt need to ask me to leave..
true...but as a respect thing..i feel it would have been better to have been asked or at least told that i was on a warning, and told what i did that was wrong.

one mistake (reminds me of someone else who holds one mistake over me) and i was kicked out, and i still dont know EXACTLY *WHAT* it was i did.

she felt it was childish of me to go ask another member if there was any chatter about me...
heck, i had no clue why i wasnt in there, if i had heard that people were saying something, anything, id maybe have a better understanding of WHY i was kicked.

but it is what it is.

and thats that,
didnt need that group anyway.

have a nice life WEIGHT LOSS ADVENTURES.


the OTHER MICHELLE also got kicked out...!!!
she came to me to talk about it, i had to be honest and tell her i thought  they kicked her because her names similar to mine...
the admin i went to 2 times to try to get an answer im pretty sure thought the reference i made to seeing the group under another name, thought the other name was hers (michelles). well, it isnt.
had to send the admin a note telling her i felt they kicked her out based on me, which i felt was wrong.
and they should reconsider allowing her back in, as she ISNT me...

the other Michelle, thinks its hilarious that a group is run this way, and said shed not go back anyway. LOL

Thursday, October 27, 2011


What you need to know about carbohydrates
Carbohydrates are your body's main energy source. During digestion, sugar (simple carbohydrates) and starches (complex carbohydrates) break down into blood sugar (glucose). If you consume too much carbohydrate-rich foods at one time, your blood sugar levels may raise too high, which can be problematic. Monitoring your carbohydrate intake, as you probably know by now, is a key to blood sugar control for people with diabetes. Carbohydrates are found in a variety of foods, such as cereals, grains, breads and flours; fruits and fruit juices; dairy products such as milk and yogurt; vegetables (especially starchy veggies like corn and potatoes), alcohol and all types of sweets.

Because carbohydrates are important sources of energy, it's important for people with diabetes to include nutritious carbohydrates at each meal and snack. But keep in mind that the healthiest carbohydrate choices are whole grains, vegetables, fruits, legumes, beans, and low-fat dairy products. About half (50%) of your daily calories should come from carbohydrates—even when you have diabetes. A general recommendation is to eat about 2-3 carbohydrate servings (30-45 grams) at each meal for women and 3-4 carbohydrate servings (30-60 grams) at each meal for men. Both men and women should limit carbohydrates at snacks to 1-2 carbohydrate servings (15-30 grams).

Wednesday, October 26, 2011



With the coming of the holiday season, the FBI (Food and Body
Improvement group) has issued their "TEN MOST UNWANTED" list.
The list comprises the ten most UNWANTED habits the WLS patient
wishes to see return to his/her lifestyle. Here is the list, beginning with number ten:

10. Casper Carbonation--Slyly tricks unsuspecting RNY patients into
believing that it is okay to drink "diet sodas". The carbonation
causes their pouches to be "stretched" without their realizing it is

9. Sam (aka "The Shoveler") Schwartz--Shovels food from the plate to
his mouth without stopping. Never puts the utensil down between

8. Clara the Closet Eater--Hides her eating from those around her.
No one can understand her lack of weight-loss; "She NEVER eats!"

7. Louise Lethargic--Never has the (perceived) energy to exercise as
she is supposed to.

6. Gertrude Grazer--Never "stops" to eat, but eats continually all
day, never realizing what she has eaten.

5. Carrie Carbohydrate--Skips the meat, fruit and vegetables. Heads
straight to the breads and sweets.

4. Lasagna Liz--Places layers of food on her plate in order
to "maximize space" able to blend all of her favorite
foods "without eating one whole helping"!

3. Bob (aka Big Bob) Portions--Consistently eats larger portions than
recommended until caloric intake exceeds what the body needs to

2. Carmella (aka Sticky Fingers) Carmel--Eats anything containing any
type of carmel.

1. Charlie the Chocolaholic--Craves nothing but chocolate all day

Please do all you can to resist the temptation to allow these
nefarious individuals back into your life. Their motto remains "If
there is room for one, there's room for all!"