ok, so since i last wrote a ton has happened and ill just cut to the chase.
hubby got fired and we lost insurance for over a year. it REALLY sucked, because ive had a stint put in my heart that required blood thinner meds we couldnt afford to get (at 509.00 a month!), and i was also off every other med i required too live a healthy life...
so, i prayed that God would carry myself and my family through that tough ordeal.
craig got reemployed (thank you Heavenly Father!)with the government (contracted right now, could become permanent). and we have insurance again.
as soon as the card came i called the insurance up (same company i had before) and found out i have the same coverage! GOD IS GOOD!
not only that..BUT the coverage NOW INCLUDES...on site everything needed! meaning no running around to a bajillion places and making sure the drs all know to feed the insurance company all the data, its almost all done on site! EVERYTHING! INCLUDING THE PSYCH TEST!
so, i called today and set up an appointment for the day after tomorrow...
go in for a seminar.
have with me filled out paperwork, and my insurance card, and we wait..see what happens.
1st step....seminar, i can hardly wait!
as ive been seeking this surgery for a while ive done allot of research, found a girl on youtube (AMELIA HALL) whos user id on there (to find her for yourself) is: messagegoddess...anyway, shes been an inspiration to me for what to do and what to expect....from her approval to her last upload of her video (several months ago)...
she did a video blog of her progress after surgery...i want to do one too, with all the steps in between as well..
ive also went and purchased one of the books she recommended : WEIGHT LOSS SURGERY FOR DUMMIES....and im almost done with that as i write this, just he last section to go and im done.
ive been thinking about goals, and what i should challenge myself to try to reward myself with if i meet any milestones..
and i think, my 1st goal will be jeans that zipper up.
i can remember having them before, until i got to a point where i cant buy any that fit me at the current size i am.
so, thats a goal im wanting to achieve once i have this surgery...
even thought about buying a pair that were white and writing on them (in fabric ink, of course) each weight milestone i met, and have the words: I MADE IT! I DID IT! I SUCCEEDED! just for fun as soon as ive made the goal mark of the weight goal over all...
but to own a pair of jeans i can just zip up..oh thats a sweet victory right there, in my mind..its been so long since ive had any to even try on with a zipper.
so..i start this journey, in 2 days.
im stoked!