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Tuesday, September 20, 2011


i was reminded today, by my dear husband, that on the 29th (9 days from now) i have my 3rd follow up with my bariatric facility.

normally, i wouldnt let it get to me, except im still reeling from my last visit and the worthlessness i felt when i was in there.

i was there to attend a "follow-up DIET class" and to remember the things you have to do when your a bariatric recipient, like eat proteins 1st, maintain an exercise regiment, low carb, low fat, low calorie, low sugar, etc..i know all this.

follow all this. and the weight was (and still is) averaging a lb a week.

so i DREAD..i seriously dread...going in again, to hear them rail me again because im not at that 200 the drs assistant wanted me to be at by now.

seriously, i dont see it happening for another 50 weeks at the rate im going.

why is it they want such fast results? whats the drive to have it gone so fast for? i just dont get it.
slower is so much healthier.

since the last visit i HAVE walked almost every day.
added that to my routine. because they said that upping the proteins and exercise for longer (i was doing 30 minutes) and harder, would break a platue and youd see results to show that after 30 days..

well, i still lost an average of 1 pound a week.

so? whats the point? if i do it, if i dont...still 1 pound a week either way.

what can they tell me? that they havnt already?
i dont know.
all i know is i dread going in again...

ill be glad when im at a point and place when i can only have to visit them once a year.
cause it completely sucks to feel your efforts are minimal.

its not like im not trying. perhaps not as aggressivly as others. but im comfortable with how its going.
for the most part. i havnt gaoned any of the former weight back...maybe in small chuncks of 5 pounds here, but then i lose it again, and i drop beneath it...

so, for the past 6 months, ive lost...not truthfully gained.
and i dont know why thats an issue for this clinic.
and why im made too feel like i havnt succeeded in that effort.

this is now giving me a headache.
means im stressed out on it.

i hate to be stressed.


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