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Thursday, November 3, 2011


November 3, 2011, 2:56 pm

A New App for Counting Calories

In a paper presented last month at a software technology conference, the former students — now employed at Microsoft and Google — showcased their method of using crowd-sourcing to instantly estimate portions and identify foods on a plate, information that can then be fed into a software program to estimate the number of calories. …
PlateMate uses a more complex crowd-sourcing tool, involving sets of individuals — getting small payments to analyze photos on a website — who analyze parts of the food photo, with some identifying the food and others estimating portion sizes. The trick is to have five individuals estimating portion sizes on each plate and then averaging those guesses.
But as one nutritionist pointed out, how can any app decipher what’s hiding inside a quiche or figure out whether the cheese smothering a slice of pizza is regular or low-fat? Still, for the health- and calorie-conscious, apps like this one might one day be a helpful and snazzy new tool on the go.
Smartphone tools and social media have already secured a growing role in health and physical fitness for many Americans. Tens of millions of people looking to lose weight, eat better or stay in shape have downloaded personal training apps like Nike Training Club, exercise trackers like RunKeeper and calorie-counting apps like Lose It! and MyFitnessPal. Last year, Brian Stelter, a media reporter for The New York Times, wrote about losing 75 pounds with the help of Twitter.
What other health and fitness apps would you like to see someday? To learn more about PlateMate, read the full article, “New Harvard App Counts Calories on a Plate,” and then please join the discussion below.

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