The basics of healthy living and weight loss are pretty simple: eat healthy, drink plenty of water, get adequate rest, and exercise 3-5 times a week. These are foundations for a strong, healthy life. But have you ever stopped to think about the things that you do subconsciously that could be ruining your success?
Habit 1: Buying low fatEating fat does not necessarily make you fat. Yes, you should consider it when buying certain products, but you should also consider that "low-fat" or "fat-free" foods actually have just as many, if not more, calories than their full-fat counterparts. If something isn't good for you, chances are the low-fat version is going to be just as bad, if not worse, because of the added chemicals and low-performing carbs that quickly turn in to sugar. Just stick to the basics and think about the consequences of the seemingly "guilt-free" mantra of the fat-free and low-fat products.
Habit 2: Using exercise as an excuse to indulge
Going on a walk for 20 minutes does not justify a free-for-all at the buffet. Keep your goals in check and your splurges or "cheats" to a minimum. Instead, have a cheat-free Mocha Cream shake with a splash of skim or almond milk or the WonderSlim Double Chocolate Cake with a bit of sugar free chocolate syrup.
Habit 3: Skipping meals
You get busy and you forget to eat. Little do you know that what you area actually doing is sending your body into prime fat-storage mode and increasing your chances of overeating at your next meal. Also, skipping breakfast can set your whole day up for failure. Make sure to stock up on oatmeal and cereal or quick and easy on-the-go protein shakes.
Habit 4: Eating "free" foods served at restaurants
It's safe to say we all know that we should pass on the bread or chip basket. This habit is a tough one to break, but there are some simple tips that should help you pass on the basket. 1-Ignorance is never bliss. One basket of chips or 3 bread sticks can add as many as 450 calories to your meal. Think about that the next time you reach for a fried tortilla chip. 2-Ask the server ahead of time to skip the basket all together. This might cause unrest at your table but it is in the best interest of everyone. 3-If push comes to shove, order a small plate, separate out a small amount and don't go back for more.
Habit 5: Drinking diet soda
The harmful effects of diet soda have been a hot topic in health news lately. Did you know that the artificial sweeteners in the "diet" soda could be triggering appetite cues, causing you to unconsciously eat more at meals? Try to break this bad habit and limit yourself to one diet soda a week if necessary, eventually cutting them out all together.
Habit 6: Picking the wrong workout partner
If you can't find someone as motivated as you are, then it's better to just leave them at home. You need someone who enjoys exercise and can finish what they start. You are more likely to stay committed if the person is likeable, fun to be around, and moderately knowledgeable on proper exercise techniques.
Habit 7: Putting serving dishes on the table
The Obesity Journal found that setting out food "family-style" will cause you to consume 35% more over the course of the meal. When going for seconds requires leaving the table, most will hesitate to go back for more.
Habit 8: Eating too fast
A study in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association reported that slow eaters took in 66 fewer calories per meal. If this was accomplished at ever meal, you could melt off 20 pounds a year. Setting down your silverware after every couple bites should be on the top of your list of new healthy habits.
Habit 9: Taking big bites
According to American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, people who take large bites consume 52% more food. As a rule of thumb: smaller bites equal a smaller waistline.
Habit 10: Failing to plan
Remember this mantra: Failing to plan is planning to fail. You should always have healthy snacks on hand and some type of meal plan for the week. Being ready for sudden cravings can ultimately be the best secret weapon against weight gain and getting over stubborn plateaus.