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Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Drive-Thru Nutrition

Food That's Fast and Healthy

-- By Liz Noelcke, Staff Writer
Having spent a week on a road trip, I learned one thing along the way: Fast food is unavoidable, given time and budget constraints. You can’t beat a drive-thru for convenience and speed of service. But the bellyache you get afterward can quickly remind you of the excess calories, fat, cholesterol, and sodium you just put into your body.

While a super-sized value meal can give you a day’s worth of calories in a single meal, you can exit the drive-thru with a healthier meal. And for the times when there is nothing better than hot French fries or a juicy burger, it’s important to learn how to make good choices.

It might only cost a few dimes more to guzzle down a large soda instead of a small one, but your waistline will be paying the real price. Soda—diet or regular—isn't a healthy choice since it provides calories, but no real nutrition at all. Soda is often filled with sugar (or artificial sweeteners), and other ingredients that fill you up without giving your body any benefits. One way to make a fast food meal healthier is to opt for a drink other than soda. Of course, water is a great choice to hydrate your body and aid digestion. Unsweetened tea is virtually calorie-free if you want something other than water. Juice (100% fruit juice, not "fruit drinks") and low-fat milk are two alternatives that add nutrition to the calories you drink, making them healthier choices than soda and other sweet beverages. If you must go with soda, opt for the smallest size available.

Fruits and Vegetables
Just as you would at any other meal, try to include at least one serving of fruits or vegetables with your order. (And no, French fries do NOT count as a healthy vegetable!) Load your burger with extra tomatoes, or enjoy a side of fresh fruit instead of fries or chips. If you are having a sandwich, load up on lettuce, peppers—even cucumbers. If they offer it, opt for a baked potato (nix the high-calorie toppings like cheese and sour cream) instead of fries.

Most fast food chains now offer delicious side and entrée salads. Including these with your meal is a great way to add lots of vitamins and filling fiber for just a few calories. Just make sure not to smother your greens with cheese, eggs, bacon, high-fat dressing, or fried toppings, such as chicken and croutons.

And don't forget about the healthy sides that are staples at fast food joints these days. Apple slices, baby carrots, and more are often available. And if you don't see them on the menu, ask!

Portion Control
One of the biggest problems people face when eating fast food is the out-of-control portions. You don’t have to order the value meal with the big burger, bigger fries and biggest drink. Instead, try a child-sized meal. You still get the burger, fries, and drink, but consume about half of the fat of the full-sized version. Ordering small is automatic portion control—you won’t be tempted to overeat.

If a kiddie-sized meal with a toy on the side isn’t for you, split your order of fries with a friend. You’ll still enjoy that salty crunch without consuming all of the calories and fat of a full order.

The “extras” can add on the calories and fat. A tablespoon of mayo will add on an extra 57 calories. Add 106 more calories for a single slice of cheese! Instead of smothering your burger with sauces, opt for mustard (about 10 calories). Forgo the sour cream and three kinds of cheese on your taco, and add flavor with low-calorie salsa. Go easy on the ranch dressing and salt shaker, too. These little substitutions can really add up! Your taste buds will be happy (and so will your waistline).

Don’t be fooled by healthier sounding meats, either. While breaded chicken or fish may seem healthier than a beefy burger, these sandwiches often contain just as many, if not more, calories than your average burger since they're fried in oil (and absorb a lot of that fat). Try grilled versions of your favorite sandwiches instead, or opt for the low-cal veggie burger, which is becoming more widely available these days.

A healthy breakfast is the best way to start your day. But while hitting the drive-thru on the way to work may be convenient, it might put you at a calorie overload early in the day. Making healthy, nutritious choices comes into play again. Instead of a breakfast sandwich (English muffin with eggs, bacon, and cheese), order a bowl of fresh fruit, a fruit and yogurt parfait, oatmeal, cereal with milk or plain eggs. That way, you’ll be starting your day off on the right foot.

See how many calories and fat grams you can save just by trying different menu options at some of your favorite fast food restaurants. (All nutritional information comes from each restaurant’s website.)

Think Again
Better Choice
You Save
Arby's Beef 'n Cheddar
440 calories
21 grams fat
Junior Roast Beef
270 calories
9 grams fat
170 calories
12 grams fat
Burger King Original Whopper
700 calories
39 grams fat
310 calories
12 grams fat
390 calories
27 grams fat
Hardee's Double Thickburger
1240 calories
90 grams fat
850 calories
57 grams fat
390 calories
33 grams fat
McDonald's Big Mac
560 calories
30 grams fat
260 calories
9 grams fat
300 calories
21 grams fat
Sonic SuperSonic Cheeseburger
839 calories
55 grams fat
Jr. Burger
353 calories
21 grams fat
486 calories
34 grams fat
Wendy's Big Bacon Classic
580 calories
29 grams fat
Jr. Hamburger
280 calories
9 grams fat
300 calories
20 grams fat
one of my ideas for online was to have a web page that would showcase all the healthier choices you can make from different restaraunts. mostly for gastric surgery recipients, but could be used by anyone.
its all about educating yourself about the nutritional values of the items at any given place.

i currently, before ever going out, anymore, always look at the nutritional values of "who-evers" eatery. just so i have a well rounded idea of whats available and what i have for choices..

did this for fathers day...looked online for the menu for LOGANS ROADHOUSE, and saw the site had a HEALTHY NUT section, with a talipia seasoned fish...had less than 550 clories (all the menu items in that catagory are supposed to have that) replaced the side of broccoli with a veggie skewer, and had the small salad with garlic fries, no soda....and i had to take home some of my meal.
it was really helpful to be ale to know what i could have and what was healthiest for me before i went to the place to try to decide...

i really like this article...and the fact it has that chart with the variables for the difference between choices...
lets me know that if i want a healthier choice i can choose:

nice to know...when the caloric intake for the day needs to be around 800-1000. its easy to calculate that in to your daily consumption...and thats JUST for the item listed, if you do do a small soda and fries, you HAVE to add those values as well...


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