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Wednesday, June 29, 2011


at the bariatric office for this pic, i can tell because the scale is digital.
this was the day of my 2nd follow up, and "diet class".

i was a little miffed that the scale read the exact same as my scale at home did. the last time i did a weight it was 3 pounds difference. but this time it was the same. kinda delfated my bubble.

i wasnt a very happy camper when i left the office either.
i was basically grilled by my surgeons assistant about not losing weight "quick enough" and i had to make sure i didnt walk out of there in tears, because my self value isnt based on my weight.

i didnt get this surgery to validate my self worth, i got this surgery to help me be healthier.
and i almost walked out of that office feeling like the entire thing was pointless.

but i claimed my value, while she sat in there, and grilled me for my "failure" i told her i felt that 1 pound a week loss was exceptionally healthy. and i was proud of it.
could i have done it on my own, perhaps, but not as easily.

so, i walked out feeling like a defeated runner, who was running a path, that apparently no one else runs and in a different way, achieved my results slower, and wasnt given any awards, or praise, or validation of success because of the slowness of it.

she was so focused on "if i lost weight too quickly and didnt exercise, my heart would expand, causeing greater issues."

my isue was, at the time i wasnt exercising and i wasnt loosing weight to i didnt see any issue.

in the diet class, i was told one thing i had never heard before, to break a platue (which i frequently sit within in ever 10 pounds) bump up the proteins, and exercise harder and longer.

and i prolly wouldnt see any major effect of that work until about a month out.

so, i was resolved, because i felt my body wasnt typical, to prrove these people right or wrong, and committed myself to walking every morning daniel had seminary, around the building. as many times as i can within the time allotted.


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