yesterday he came into the livingroom as i was checking emails, and handed me 2 books he has had himself.
FAT BURNING FOODS and other weightloss secrets & FOODS THAT CAUSE YOU TOO LOOSE WEIGHT 2 while you watch tv.

i asked WHY he even had these books to begin with. he has almost NO fat whatsoever and youd never look at him and think he ever thought he needed to loose any weight. hes as skinny as a rail, and im not exagerating. my hubby is VERY skinny.
his reply?
"i wanted to know what foods i could eat besides chessy poofs and beer and still be lazy."
typical batchelor. :-)
before i came along he existed on frozen dinners, chesse puffs, and an occassional beer.
all of that has been let go of...theres no room for any frozen dinners in our freezer, we have a single top freezer-type fridge.
cheese puff wouldnt last long in the house with a 12 year old, so we dont do any junk-type foods.
and beer...well, thats history as well. he officially gave it up when he joined my church.
both of these books have recipes, ill post as i come to them. so be looking for that in the near future.
so, i have them along with the other DIET books i have in my possestion now. just 2 more to add to the list. im growing a HEALTHY recipe book collection like he has NOVALTY cooksbooks from tv shows and actors and such.
not sure WHY he has these cookbooks, hes not a cook. just another collection he has, i suppose.
at anyrate, i have 2 new books to paruse thru now...sometime after i move ill have those recipes in here.
if your reading this via DIGEST: if you know of any really awsome, HEALTHY recipes, dont hesitiate to share them with my group. right now i have 10 ppl in each group...and many of us are looking for a healthier alternative to the eating habits we already have.
share share share!!!
i went looking for images of the books online and found that there is a companion book to FAT BURNING FOODS, called: FAT BURNING COOKBOOK

...and another book, althogether seperate from these 2 called: FAT BURNING BIBLE.

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