last year (seems like just a few days...lol, maybe becuase it was) i was struggling with a title i wanted to call this blog/journal.
i have a friend from the tv show :PROJECT RUNWAY named: MALAN BRETON. and we chat occassionaly thru our MYSPACE accounts we both have. hes an awsome fella! quite the gentleman and charmer. and so very down to earth!
at any rate, hes always so positive in any reply he writes back to me on. and quite prompt most of the time, might i add! and because hes so.....full of life and giving of his "light" within himself, i thought to ask him for a title to this blog. i never thought in a million years hed ever really respond to the question.
he has a fahion buisness to run, and id think my small quibits of life and challenges would simply go unknoticed by him. i was wrong.
he wrote me back, saying he wasnt the best at naming things but thought: THE JOURNEY TO ME was nice.
he was right, it is!
so, this post, goes out to MALAN!
thank you dear friend for setting the foundation for this blogs accomplishments!
i have a name for it, because of you! thanks for being my friend! it means more than youll ever know to me!
~~a fan~~
if your interested in seeing MALANS fashions, heres his link:
he doesnt dress for MY body size, but his hearts big enough to hug the world! hes one great fella!
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