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Tuesday, January 23, 2007


FIANLLY! we (craig and myself) have drs appts. set up for early friday am.

i didnt expect to be taken so quickly, seeing as its already the start of the new week, i had figured they were already booked. but we were lucky and got appts.

now this is essential to my weightloss plan.

my ultimate goal is to have some kind of surgery, preferably gastric bypass, or even mini-gastric bypass.

in order to be approved i have to have a physician for 6 months...were starting that today (well friday).

there are a few things i need to discuss with the dr, and im ready to see him/her.

im not anxious to have the physical, but anxious to get the ball rolling on the surgery for me at any rate. id love to be able to get it done BEFORE 6 months. but i doubt thats going to be possible at the rate they process a paitient.

there are several tests they preform, and alot of things to do to make it to that final step, im wanting to be rid of it a new person. i have dreamed of being the person i see inside myself, the person no one else sees when they look at me..i see her, i am her, but she isnt anything to anyone one else except a phantom, a ghost, a whim of fancy MY mind. i want her to come out and show the word she exists and she has an important role to preform for others...

shes going to be an influence....a visual aid for others to see the dramatic change associated to the steps taken to get her to emerge...

this insurance covers that proceedure and im ready to have it done...

so, friday we start the task of the first of MANY MANY other things to do...


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