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Thursday, January 25, 2007


 Four Steps to a Healthy Weight

The following article is part of a series for Healthy Weight Week.

For most of us, the desire to lose weight is easy to conjure up. What can prove more difficult is how to go about it. flexible weight-healthy plan that teaches you sound nutrition principles, such as choosing the right fats (like those from nuts, oily
fish, and extra-virgin olive oil) and the right carbs (whole-grain breads and pastas, colorful veggies, high-fiber fruits, and hearty beans) along with lean proteins and low-fat dairy.

Teamed with at least 30 minutes of cardiovascular activity most days of the week (something as simple as walking fits this bill) — as well as a balanced strength-training and stretching program, such as the core strengthening routines Here are four steps to get you on the path to reaching your healthy weight:

1. Give your kitchen a makeover. Determine which foods should be kept and which should be thrown away. For instance, keep veggies, nuts, lean proteins, and -approved desserts; toss white bread, pasta, and rice. While you're at it, make adjustments to your shopping list to ensure that your favorite Diet approved foods find their way to your cart — and your kitchen! You can find tips for both tasks on

2. Incorporate exercise. Physical activity is a key part of the Diet weight-healthy lifestyle. Drs recommends a minimum of 30 minutes of cardiovascular activity most days of the week, paired with a strength-training and stretching program. When it comes to strength training, Drs are a fan of core exercises, moves designed to target the muscles of the trunk of your body (your abdomen, lower back, pelvis, and hips). Since a stronger core helps keep you injury free, you're more likely to stay active — and healthy — throughout your life. The Fitness Club offers hundreds of core moves, along with an easy-to-follow walking program, and gentle preparation exercises.

3. Anyone can do it. No matter which activity you choose, beginners should start — and progress — slowly to prevent injury. Though physical activity is both safe and recommended for most adults, if you're starting an exercise program for the very first time, be sure to consult with your physician. Also, be realistic when developing your exercise schedule — there will be days you can't get to the gym or don't feel physically up to par. Don't be too hard on yourself — just get back to your routine as soon as you can. Finally, remember that any amount of exercise is better than none at all, so if you don't have time to squeeze in an entire workout, don't let that deter you from getting some activity.

4. Seek out support. Look to your friends and family for encouragement. They may want to join you on your path to wellness, but even if they aren't ready to make positive lifestyle changes, they can offer inspiration and motivation. You can also take advantage of some of the great motivational features Online, like locating a like-mindedOnline member to swap tips and share recipes on the Message Boards.

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