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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

TOXINS & CANCER: information to think about

 Studies have shown that BPA can mimic the actions of estradiol (a type of
estrogen) in the body, contributing to, among other symptoms, the following changes in mice and rat studies:

Early puberty
Increased fat formation
Abnormal sexual behavior
Disrupted reproductive cycles

As exposure to estrogen from external sources has been linked to breast cancer
in the past, the above results are consistent with previous findings on this topic.

The disruption of your hormone system, and all of the consequences resulting from it, is a typical way that environmental toxins negatively impact your body.

Cancer has many contributing factors, so it is important to appreciate that prevention is not necessarily dependent on a single item. While there are many steps you can take to strongly influence your chances of avoiding this extremely common killer, reducing your exposure to toxins is an important step in the
right direction. And, while for most of us it may be next to impossible to
completely avoid all toxins, the following tips can certainly be helpful:

Tips to Avoid Toxins

First and foremost store your food in glass containers whenever possible,
as it is the most inert container you can use.

Buy and eat, as much as possible, organic foods. If you can only purchase one organic product it probably should be free-range organic eggs. Fortunately, most grocery stores now have these available. If they don't, contact
the store manager and encourage him or her to carry them. Additionally, I
raw milk products are a key to staying healthy. They are best obtained locally but many people have a great challenge finding them. To find a raw milk distributor in your area, try the by-state and by-country locator at:

Rather than eating fish, which is largely contaminated with PCBs and mercury, consume a high-quality,
purified fish or cod liver oil. Contact your favorite health food store to find it or another high-quality brand, or use our store for your convenience. Another option is to have your wild-caught fish lab tested to find out if it is a pure source (we've found a delicious, wild Alaskan salmon that is free from harmful levels of mercury and PCBs).

Avoid processed foods--remember that they're frequently processed with a variety of chemicals!

Only use natural cleaning products in your home. Most health food stores will have these available or you can search online for them.

Switch to natural brands of toiletries, including shampoo, toothpaste, antiperspirants and cosmetics. Same sources as above for these, either your local health food store or you can search online.

Remove any metal fillings, as they're a major source of mercury.
Be sure to have
this done by a qualified biological dentist
. Although nearly any dentist is technically qualified to replace your amalgam fillings, far less than 95 percent
have any clue on how to do it properly so your risk of mercury exposure is minimized. Please avoid the mistake I have seen THOUSANDS of patients make of having your fillings replaced by a non-qualified dentist. I made this mistake myself nearly 20 years ago. Do it right the first time and save yourself the expense and grief. If you don't personally know a qualified biological dentist, many people find one by contacting several of the health food stores in their area and asking the employees who they know. This is typically an excellent resource as they are usually networked quite well in the local health community.

Avoid using artificial air fresheners, dryer sheets, fabric softeners or other synthetic fragrances as
they can pollute the air you are breathing.

Avoid artificial food additives of all kind, including artificial sweeteners and MSG.

Get plenty of safe sun exposure to boost your vitamin D levels and your immune system (you'll be better able to fight disease).

limit your use of drugs (prescription and over-the-counter) as much as possible. Drugs are chemicals too, and they will leave residues and accumulate in your
body over time.

Cleansing is very important to your over all health and for removing toxins
from our body.
Please check out my web pages for more info on this. We need
to be responsible for doing something for our over all health.

Shannon Allen

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