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Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Six Workout Wreckers

To get the most out of your workout — and avoid an injury — make sure to avoid these six common mistakes, say experts from the American Council on Exercise:

1.)Jerking to lift weights: Make sure your lifts are slow and controlled. Use your muscle to hoist the weight, not momentum.

2.)Leaning on the handrails of the stair climber, elliptical trainer, or treadmill: This makes the workout less challenging and can injure your wrists and back. Stand up tall and instead barely brush the handrails for balance.

3.)Not getting enough rest: Working out when you're fatigued can lead to sloppy technique and an injury. Make sure to get your rest before working out.

4.)Locking your knees: Always keep your knees slightly bent to prevent an injury.

5.)Not warming up: Don't try to shave time off your workout by skipping the warm- up or you could end up on the bench.

6.)Getting stuck in a rut: If you're just going through the motions during your workout, shake things up by trying something new! Change will challenge your mind and your body!


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